I am a member of the Boca Raton Toastmasters, Club #3299.
Link to Club website: http://bocaratontoastmasters.org/
Link to District 47 website: http://www.toastmastersd47.org/
Link to International Toastmasters website: http://www.toastmasters.org/
Everybody has a story. What is yours?
2 7 16 25
CC Speech #1 Ice Breaker "It's All in a Name"
CC Speech #2 Organize your Speech "Carrots & Sticks"
CC Speech #3 Get to The Point "The Gift"
CC Speech #4 How to Say It "Death: The Great Disguise"
CC Speech #5 Your Body Speaks "India Part 1"
CC Speech #6 Vocal Variety "Tired, Hungry, Horny, Broke"
CC Speech #7 Reasearch Your Topic "Indai Part 2"
CC Speech #8 Visual Aids "The Power of Color"
CC Speech #9 Persuade with Power " U R GOD"
CC Speech #10 Inspire your Audience "The Steam of Well Being"
Entertaining Speech #2 Resources "Family Car Stickers"
Entertaining Speech #1 Entertain "Farting"