Vision Board - Personal

                Honest, Trustworthy, Skilled, Loyal,

                      Innovative Contractors,

                     who build with integrity, 

                  with a passion for the details.

           Healthy, Soft, Beautiful Hair



                   Gorgeous, Smooth, Clear Skin



    Super Fresh, Super Healthy, Super Delicious Food,

                             Made with Love

                                         A Nice Ride

      Easy:   Adaptable, Dependable, Comfortable

      Fun:    Six Speaker, Smooth Leather, Sunroof,

                      Artistic Flair

      Free:   Cash Owned           



                      Ayurveda Knowledge


       Reliable, Long-lasting, Convenient Appliances



      Happy, Responsible, Peaceful, Paying

                    Nice Guy Tenants

          A Handsome, Healthy, Honest,

   Brilliantly Wise, Loving, Spiritual Partner


                               A Colorful, 

              Leisure Time to Relax, Savor and Play



                    Growing, Healthy, Alive, 

 Peaceful, Joyful, and Inspirational Marine Aquarium

                        Psychic Abilities

                                                                Hustle Time to Plan, Execute & Get Things Done



   An Elegant, Sophisticated and Luxurious Life



                   Lots of Passive Income



          The Ability to Communicate Profound Wisdom, Humorously.



                 A Simple, Carefree, Life


                                         Long, Shapely, Tan, Smooth Legs


                                                                                         The Ability to Draw



                                            Spontaneous Fun


                                 A Well Dressed Partner


                                Beautiful, Inspiring, Interior Fixtures


                      Abundant, Easy, Roll-out Storage



                                     A Great Wardrobe


                                                           A Graceful, Balanced, Dancer's Body




              A Sexy, Curvy, Feminine Body

                                                          A Youthful Spirit


                          Lots of Cuddling and Hugs

              Experienced, Knowledgeable,

                    Honest, Hardworking, 

                         Car Mechanics          


                    Beautiful, Colorful, Fragrant,                                Exotic, Lavish Gardens

                                                              Creative, Indoor-Outdoor Spaces



                                Elegant, Classy Parties

                                  A Round Booty


                                                                 A Flat Tummy


                        A Skinny Waist

                                A Toned Body

                A Father who will always be there.



                      A Loving Mother

             A Free, Creative Childhood


            Healthy Gums, Teeth and a Great Smile

                           Sensitive Friends

   Physical Strength & Flexibility in Adulthood


                   Insightful Wisdom in Youth


  Remembrance of Past/Simultaneous Lives

                   Beautiful Photo Portraits

                                                 Flowering Porches


               Gorgeous Innovative Flooring

                   Rayon, Silk Fabrics







             Powerful, Healing, Playful Sex


                          Utter Security


            Hot, Healing, Rejuvenating, Relaxing,

                   Refreshing Showers


                                A Full Sense of Who I AM




                          Freckles, moles, age spots and tags 

                peeling off and disappearing.

    A Clean Gut, that effectively clears all toxins from my body.


                          Competent legal services.

     A team of powerful ace attorneys, and courtroom lawyers,

             who understand contracts, keep good records,

                       know the law, and the judge,

              and who's fee, is (relatively) free to me.


                            Music so joyful,

               I dance and/or cry tears of happiness 


     Ultimate Success!   The Luxury of Time



                       A Life of Leisure



                   Embracing my "work boots" and DIY attitude

                            with femininity.